Sunday, January 13, 2008


Dear mother-in-law just relayed the good news to us. My panganay, Gino (the new teener in the house) has just topped the Math exams sponsored by MTAP (Math Teachers Assoc of the Phils). Aside from besting his fellow freshmen in his school (QC Sci HS), his score is also the highest in all of QC govt schools! Please indulge me this moment, papaka stage mom lang muna ako haha.

At an early age of 2.5 years, he was tested to have an IQ of 155 (Stanford Binet). He can already read words at 1.5 yo, can write and draw at 2. Though, there were also delays in his speech and social development that at one point, he was diagnosed to have mild Asperger's. But by the grace of the Lord, countless visits to several developmental psychologists, his guidance counselors & grade level coordinators from his former school (ADMU), he has matured to be a fine young man. He has adjusted pretty well in his freshman life with plenty of friends (and if I may add, crushes haha). And oh, just to balance it out - he's also a Guitar Hero freak!!!

Daddy & Mommy are so proud of you, our Ginoynoy! Keep it up! We love you!

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